God of War: Ragnarok reveal trailer
God of war: Ragnarok
God of War Ragnarok is a 3D action adventure game for the PS4 and PS5 platform.
ROLE: Collision Designer, part of the Level Design team
TOOLS: Autodesk Maya
COLLISION DESIGN- Created collision for complex 3D levels and environments using Autodesk Maya, keeping smooth player experience in mind.
Helped develop level design metrics for different collision setups in the game.
Worked with environment artists, encounter designers, combat designers and system designers to maintain the intended level design, enforce necessary metrics throughout the game and deliver an amazing experience for our players.
Helped optimize the collision workflow for the breakables team.ENCOUNTER DESIGN - Created several prototype encounter arenas for different enemy types using level design metrics for encounters. A few of these arenas are now part of the game.
TOOLS DEVELOPMENT - Championed collision development tools to speed up collision and level design workflows.
Taught myself MEL scripting to develop prototype tools for optimizing workflows.LEVEL DESIGN - Worked with a senior level designer mentor to create a prototype level and 2D paper maps.
Created an extensive level pitch with mechanics, story and enemies.
Images below show some of the environments I created collision for. Each of them presented a different set of challenges to be solved to deliver the desired experience.